Friday, August 10, 2007

Been a little "blog shy" lately....

Ok, here's the deal.... I haven't blogged since mid July for two reasons...

1) Started my new job three weeks ago, and I'm super busy--you know , the whole lifestyle adjustment thing. AND.................

2) I'm kinda "blog shy". What does that mean, you may ask? Well, I see all this creative writing going on via the blog, and I just don't want all that pressure! Know what I mean? I just want to get on here and write ...sort of let my thoughts pour out of my head. My BFF convinced me that I don't have to be all "cutesy" on the blog, just be here it is....

Let's talk about MY NEW JOB! Woo hoo! I am absolutely LOVING my new venture. I can't believe how natural it all feels just feels RIGHT. Know what I mean? To me, that means that the timing must be right for me. It's the right time in my life for me to be "back in the real world", so to speak. Don't get my wrong--my children are my number one priority and the most important things in my life, but I feel like it's ok to add another dimension to my life.

I'm just loving everything right now. LOVE my work schedule / hours. I am working 7:00-3:30 pm right now. When school starts, I will work 6:30- 3:00 pm , and I'll be home when the kids get off the bus! The hub is taking the kids to our before school babysitter now, and he will continue to do so when school starts. She lives in our neighborhood (less than 2 minutes from our house) and behind the school!

I'm also loving everything about my desk at work. It's like my little oasis right now. Seriously, I'm just having so much fun dressing it up, decorating , and accessorizing! Loving all the office supplies. Mmmmm hmmmmm---nothin' like a new stapler and tape dispenser. And everyday before I leave, I take so much pride in tidying up my little oasis--I know it sounds crazy, but it's mine, all mine!

Also...LOVING getting showered and dressed first thing everything morning. I get up , drink my coffee, take a shower, do my hair, make-up, put on real clothes and out the door. Loving it.

Finally---the job itself I know that I already love. I'm a social worker who does in home assessments with older adults and I coordinate home care services (so that these folks can stay at home longer and avoid a nursing home.) Seriously, it's pretty damn satisfying.

Everything seems to be falling into place, except that I need to start dieting again! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But that's another post.

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering---Alli worked fine for the first week when I was truly eating low fat, but after that when I went "off" the diet a little ---it was not pretty, side effect city.


Kim@The Polka Dot Press said...

WOO HOO...Welcome back to the blog world! I was so excited to hop on here and see a NEW post from you! Not that I need to read your blog to catch up, but still like to see your thoughts in type form. See how funny you are, just being you? Anyway, hopefully when things calm down a bit, we'll see more of your mug around here....

love ya like a sugar free fudgesickle!

Cindy said...

Yes, I was missing your blog, too. Thank goodness you've joined us back in cyberville. So glad that everything is going so well for you as it relates to this new phase of your life. You sound very satisfied. Good for you, girl!